First batch of TC - RESULT!!

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Active Member
May 1, 2009
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OK, quick recipe :

Morrison's 'value' apple juice, cider yeast, yeast nutrient, sugar.

I added a packet of yeast and the nutrient to 4 litres of apple juice in a 5 gallon FV on day 1, then added 4 more litres each day for the next 4 days, making 20 litres in total (I read this as a recipe to keep more of an 'apple' taste and avoid it becoming over dry).

Gravity after all the apple juice was in (not really SG, as fermentation had already started) was 1070, which dropped to about 1002 over a week.

At this point I racked it a couple off times over the next week and then added another 4 litres of apple juice, as to my tastes, it was still a bit too dry.

After another 24 hours, I bunged half of it into 2 litre bottles 'as is', then the following day, I bunged the rest into bottles with 3 teaspoons of sugar in each.

As there was still a bubble going through the ailock every 5 minutes or so, I thought I'd get a fizzy cider out of it - and that's been the case!!

I've only tested the 'unprimed' stuff - and even though it's still a bit cloudy (and sediment is still collecting in the bottom) it's a CRACKING drink!!

Perhaps a touch on the dry side, but the addition of 25% of apple juice per glass makes it into a drink that's more than a match for the only commercial cider that I like (Magners).

Question for the experts - how long can this stuff be stored for?? Is it likely to 'go off'?? I've not used any preservative (if such a thing exists) so I've no idea.

I'd like to store it to see if it improves, although I'm more than happy to just drink it...... :cheers:
Result :party:

I'm not sure how long you can keep it for, it disappears quickly in my house :oops: :lol:
I found a couple of 2 year old bottles of "Mystery alcohol" when I tidied up the garage recently. The only indication on the bottles was the date in marker pen on the cap :wha:
I opened one and it was TC and bloody gorgeous :drink:
SWMBO nicked the other one :evil:
So if your sanitation and storage are up to scratch it'll last a while :thumb:
I don't know whether I'd be able to last 2 years - but I might see if a bottle or two can be put aside until later in the year.........

I don't want to risk the entire batch, but I'll be kicking myself if I don't find out what a couple of months storage does.......

I think my sanitation is good enough - I'm not as extreme as the video with all that open flame malarky, but I do sterilise everything properly and then rinse it through before I use it.....hopefully that'll suffice.........

Anyway - with another batch of TC (with the WLP 775 yeast - thanks Tubby :thumb: ) about to be started, I reckon I can find enough to drink in the meantime....... :drunk:

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