first attempt at a quicky wine

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2012
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hello all!

i started my first wine yesterday and would appreciate any pointers on what i have done right and wrong
i added 1kg of sugar disolved in 1 litre of water to 2 litres of apple juice and 1 litre of red grape concentrate
i forgot about the sugar content of the juice so the actul sugar content is 1370 grams
i added pectolase and the juice from one lemon. stuck it in a dj with some general purpose wine yeast. its bubbling away like crazy. am i right in thinking that this will be a very sweet concoction. what would the og be for this amount of sugar?


Welcome to the forum Tim :cheers:

Your sugar levels aren't excessive. Glass ‘gallon’ demijohns vary a bit, I find that an average one seems to be around 4.7 litres, so if your wine gets made up (with water) to that when the risk of the DJ overflowing has subsided, your net OG can be taken as 1.105

There is no reason why that shouldn't ferment out to dryness, giving you around 15% abv.

If that gets topped up with water again after racking, you will probably end up with closer to 13% abv.