Finishing hops

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2012
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Hello again !

Quick question, I've got two brews on the go in primary FVS. I've picked up some Finishing hops 'tea bags' - can I add these to the pressure barrel during secondary fermentation or should I just save them for my next brew ?

Thanks :thumb:
Never come across these, but it sounds like they're intended for dry hopping. How long have your brews been in their FVs? You can dry hop in the FV for around the last 5 days of fermentation.
bunkerbrewer said:
Never come across these, but it sounds like they're intended for dry hopping. How long have your brews been in their FVs? You can dry hop in the FV for around the last 5 days of fermentation.

These Bunker - viewtopic.php?f=36&p=240757

You make a cup of 'tea' with them then add them to the FV prior to yeast. I'm just wondering if they can be added to the secondary FV instead :hmm:
Ah right. I personally don't dry hop during conditioning, I think leaving hops too long in your beer can lead to grassy flavours. I have heard of others doing this, though (e.g. adding hops to corny kegs).
Hi there,

I have just used one of these "Hop Tea Bags" adding it to the FV ,5 days into fermentation. I brewed the "tea", let it cool then added the whole lot "tea Bag" and all to the FV

To my second FV also at 5 days I have added 25grams of Golding dried hops.

At 14 days I shall siphon to the pressure barrels and prime with Spray malt, then leave it to condition for around 2 weeks. I may bottle some of this straight form the barrel at the time of priming.

If you research YouTube, you will find guys doing all sorts of stuff like this, and the general consensus seems to be that dry hopping is worth while .

I have no idea how these will work out but I am sure it will be fine :pray:

You can take the man out of Kent, but you cant take Kent out of the Man


FV 1 Wilko Golden Ale ( Hop Tea added 5 days into fermentation)
Fv 2 Woodfordes Wherry
FV 3 Wilko Real Ale ( brewed short) Dry hopped 25grm Kent Goldings 5 days into Fermentation
Conditioning : Woodfordes Wherry , Bottled and Keged.
Currently Drinking : Ceylon Tea

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