Hi my bathams clone has been in the fermentor for nearly three weeks now and refuses to budge below 1017, ive moved it somewhere warmer gently stirred it nothing.
My question is it started at 1050 so is at 4.1% my plan for friday is to transfer to another bucket with camden tablets and finings allow to clear then pop in a corny and force carb. Is there any problem with this technique or whith the FG being higher than the 1011 I was expecting?? :hmm:
My question is it started at 1050 so is at 4.1% my plan for friday is to transfer to another bucket with camden tablets and finings allow to clear then pop in a corny and force carb. Is there any problem with this technique or whith the FG being higher than the 1011 I was expecting?? :hmm: