Hi, first post but I've been lurking a while.
Recently started brewing - from simple kits only so far.
Question is:-
I have no heating in fermenting room so for the four brews so far, I have used a heat belt and some bubble wrap. I have not been able to maintain a constant temp of 20 degrees, but I have managed a fairly constant 24 degrees.
I have seen elsewhere on this site that this is too high. Could you explain why or what problems I am likely to face?
Recently started brewing - from simple kits only so far.
Question is:-
I have no heating in fermenting room so for the four brews so far, I have used a heat belt and some bubble wrap. I have not been able to maintain a constant temp of 20 degrees, but I have managed a fairly constant 24 degrees.
I have seen elsewhere on this site that this is too high. Could you explain why or what problems I am likely to face?