Rules and Regulations.
When you sign up for an account with, and use the TheHomeBrewForum Forums, you agree to the following:
1. No posting of inappropriate/immoral/illegal material (if you are unsure of exactly what this means, PM a moderator for clarity), please post in a mature/sensible/respectful manner.
2. Discussions on distillation, or any other illegal activity is not permitted.
3. New members are encouraged to post an introduction in the introduce yourself forum.
4. Strictly No Profanity. This includes usernames that may be seen as offensive.
5. Flamers and Trolls (see Note below) will be subject to immediate punishment up to and including being banned from the forum. Please choose your words carefully. We encourage debate but we also require you to behave and conduct yourself in a respectful manner at all times.
6. Please use the search tool to the best of your ability.
7. Please, no "txtr" or "l337" style typing. Abbreviations are acceptable for specific terms and even the occasional lol or ROTFLMAO, but in the context of a conversation, please spell the words out. It helps to create a more readable and inviting forum experience for everyone.
8. Please use punctuation and proper sentence structure to make your post more legible to the rest of the readers.
9. Post in the correct section. We have multiple sub forums with specific topics. If you are unsure where your topic should be posted, PM one of the moderators for their suggestion.
10. Do not "Bump" your threads more than once every 3 days. If the last post in your thread is your bump, or if you have bumped your thread within the last day, don't bump it again. Excessive bumping may result in the locking or deleting of your thread.
11. Make the title of your threads as descriptive as possible.
12. No raffles, giveaways, fund raisers, or Kickstarter links unless authorized by the Administration.
13. No use of "Google it", or "Try Searching". If a question has been answered before, answer it again or provide a link rather than copying/pasting content from elsewhere on the forum. Berating or poking fun at "noobs" for not searching will not be allowed.
14. In order to participate you must be of legal age in your location.
15. No advertising in your signature or profile without prior permission from the Administrator.
16. While members are allowed to advertise items for sale (repeat sellers will be subject to scrutiny) businesses are not and must have permission from the site owner.
Warnings may be given in a thread or via PM for infringements but moderators may/can/will ban a user without warning at their discretion depending on the infraction, this is not something we enjoy doing (except for Spammers), but we want this forum to be a welcome place for people of all experience levels to share, learn, and grow. Dissidents will not be tolerated and will be removed.
Please note, no refunds will be made to individuals who have become "Supporting Members" if they are banned for violation of the rules.
Flamer: A person who deliberately makes inflammatory, derogatory, or slanderous posts or statements on the forums for the sole purpose of starting or feeding an argument.
Troll: A person who posts a deliberately provocative message to the forum with the intention of causing disruption and/or argument with or without contributing to the content of the thread.
Bump: Any post whose sole purpose is to "bump" the thread to the top of the index page and/or make the thread appear to have a new response to entice other members to revisit the page.
When you sign up for an account with, and use the TheHomeBrewForum Forums, you agree to the following:
1. No posting of inappropriate/immoral/illegal material (if you are unsure of exactly what this means, PM a moderator for clarity), please post in a mature/sensible/respectful manner.
2. Discussions on distillation, or any other illegal activity is not permitted.
3. New members are encouraged to post an introduction in the introduce yourself forum.
4. Strictly No Profanity. This includes usernames that may be seen as offensive.
5. Flamers and Trolls (see Note below) will be subject to immediate punishment up to and including being banned from the forum. Please choose your words carefully. We encourage debate but we also require you to behave and conduct yourself in a respectful manner at all times.
6. Please use the search tool to the best of your ability.
7. Please, no "txtr" or "l337" style typing. Abbreviations are acceptable for specific terms and even the occasional lol or ROTFLMAO, but in the context of a conversation, please spell the words out. It helps to create a more readable and inviting forum experience for everyone.
8. Please use punctuation and proper sentence structure to make your post more legible to the rest of the readers.
9. Post in the correct section. We have multiple sub forums with specific topics. If you are unsure where your topic should be posted, PM one of the moderators for their suggestion.
10. Do not "Bump" your threads more than once every 3 days. If the last post in your thread is your bump, or if you have bumped your thread within the last day, don't bump it again. Excessive bumping may result in the locking or deleting of your thread.
11. Make the title of your threads as descriptive as possible.
12. No raffles, giveaways, fund raisers, or Kickstarter links unless authorized by the Administration.
13. No use of "Google it", or "Try Searching". If a question has been answered before, answer it again or provide a link rather than copying/pasting content from elsewhere on the forum. Berating or poking fun at "noobs" for not searching will not be allowed.
14. In order to participate you must be of legal age in your location.
15. No advertising in your signature or profile without prior permission from the Administrator.
16. While members are allowed to advertise items for sale (repeat sellers will be subject to scrutiny) businesses are not and must have permission from the site owner.
Warnings may be given in a thread or via PM for infringements but moderators may/can/will ban a user without warning at their discretion depending on the infraction, this is not something we enjoy doing (except for Spammers), but we want this forum to be a welcome place for people of all experience levels to share, learn, and grow. Dissidents will not be tolerated and will be removed.
Please note, no refunds will be made to individuals who have become "Supporting Members" if they are banned for violation of the rules.
Flamer: A person who deliberately makes inflammatory, derogatory, or slanderous posts or statements on the forums for the sole purpose of starting or feeding an argument.
Troll: A person who posts a deliberately provocative message to the forum with the intention of causing disruption and/or argument with or without contributing to the content of the thread.
Bump: Any post whose sole purpose is to "bump" the thread to the top of the index page and/or make the thread appear to have a new response to entice other members to revisit the page.
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