False bottom hole size question

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Looking around the forum, hole sizes seem to vary between 1.5mm and 2.5mm.

I am roughing out a drawing for my Tun and copper false bottoms and calculate :geek: (well sort of guessculate really) :wha: there will be between 500 and 600 holes for optimum performance.

The question is wheter one size is better than another and also if the hole sizes should be different for the grain and hops. I think this is the sort of job that needs to go right first time!

Thanks in anticipation

cnelsonplumber said:
Looking around the forum, hole sizes seem to vary between 1.5mm and 2.5mm.

I am roughing out a drawing for my Tun and copper false bottoms and calculate :geek: (well sort of guessculate really) :wha: there will be between 500 and 600 holes for optimum performance.

The question is wheter one size is better than another and also if the hole sizes should be different for the grain and hops. I think this is the sort of job that needs to go right first time!

Thanks in anticipation


You would be better with slots as opposed to holes for a mash/lauter tun bottom.

I think 1.5mm is a good start though for holes, as you can then go bigger if it is no good for the application, if you jump straight in at 2.5mm and find a lot of bits getting through, you can't reduce the holes sizes to 2mm or 1.5mm.

2mm SS false bottoms I built let some particles through so another vote for 1.5mm :thumb:
I have 2mm holes (as perforated stainless sheet) in my MT's false bottom. They do let some particles through but many of the bits are small enough that I doubt you'll ever entirely stop that without seriously compromising the run-off; recirculating a jug or two before sparging seems to get rid of the bits fairly well though.

Ideally (as unclepumble said) i'd probably have slots in the MT's false bottom - people have made them using a very thin dremmel type cutting disks and i'd intended to do that too originally, but I don't own a dremmel and my laziness undoubtedly played its part too!

You mention hops too, and for the boiler I'd go with holes; the hop leaves are a bit more slot shaped than grain. Unless you use pellets in which case something like a large area of 40 gauge mesh is said to be better. I've always used braid or manifolds in the boiler myself, but false bottoms do work; the only issue I know of is that a chap on another forum had issues with his false bottom floating up in his boiler, without the weight of grain to keep it down.


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