Failed seal.. can I try priming again ??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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After some great help on this site, it's looking like I will have to replace the O ring in my KK
The story so far...
I left my brew for 3 weeks before trying... no pressure, not good taste.
I took advice and re primed and put vaseline on threads and O ring, after a couple of days with brew belt on, pressure seemed to be building nicely, took brew belt off and after a couple of days tried it, good news, it was tasting better... Bad news, after drawing off half a pint, no pressure again !
Think I might have over tightened lid.
Question is, Can I now try replacing the seal, be more careful tightening and prime with 6oz of sugar for a 3rd time?

Don't think it's tasting good enough to get some help in to drink it all just yet
It sounds like the sugar's already in there to me. You're probably not getting pressure this time because it takes more than a few days to carbonate a batch. Give it a week and it'll probably be carbed., it's obviously airtight because you're getting pressure!
Hi mate, as rob said i wouldn't add any more sugar either. Best thing is put it away and leave it, i know thats hard because i was the same with my first couple of brews. But if you keep trying to draw beer off before it's fully pressurised you'll glug air back in, best thing to do is get another brew on to take your mind off of it :cheers:
if the patience is too much, by the way, and you have a LHBS, you might wanna consider force carbonating in future. it just requires a cap for your keg with a valve and you need to swap the co2 tube thingy over when it runs out (about every 3 kegs in my experience) which costs you like £2.50. It's much more handy! I can have drinkable beer in 14 days because I don't have to wait to prime :)