Extra Light DME

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Feb 25, 2012
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Hi, quick question. I've accidentally bought a pack of extra light DME, the label suggests it's for use in American Budweiser style beer. Since I never buy Bud I feel I'm unlikley to ever want to brew it!

Is this stuff any good for other uses such as priming bottles?
It will be fine, you could use it for a pale ale or even a bitter it will just be a little lighter in colour which could be compensated with a little more of a speciality malt ie crystal.
Hello there, I had a pack of this stuff laying around, I stuck it in my edme Irish stout 50/50 with some sugar, had no problems with it,do you have any kits you are planning on Brewing? Maybe you could make use of it in one of those.

I have read people on here have used it to prime their bottles, I have never used it for that though as it seemed like a bit of an expensive way of doing it.
I've got a Wherry Kit that I've seen a enhancement suggestion (http://www.brewuk.co.uk/forum/topic/dis ... nhancement) for. Maybe I'll put it into that?

I was thinking of replacing the standard kit yeast. I have two options; safle S-O4 English Ale or Danstar Nottingham Beer Yeast. Which do you think would be best (I'm trying to impress my lager drinking Austrian in law with English Beer!) Thanks
I have heard the wherry makes a really good pint if you follow the instructions , I tried a friend's one in the early stages of it being in the keg, and thought it was very bitter. He said it got much better with age.

I have one of these kits and I plan to make it as per the instructions, then stick in a cornie.

I think going by what I have read here you will be impressed with the kit if you followed the instructions. Tweaking it, not sure what the result would be. Maybe wait out for a few more suggestions before doing anything with it.

Heard good things about that yeast though. If you felt brave maybe you could try and get a bottle conditioned wherry and harvest the yeast from it?