This may not go as expected... but it'll be fun trying.
Thanks to TrevTheBev of this forum, I was gifted 3x out of date packs of Mangrove's Nelson Sauvin IPA. So 90+ pints! (Outdoor Access Trust - a fab charity for those of us who enjoy the hills and mountains - have received £50 as Trev wouldn't take anything for them...)
The hops and yeast have been chucked away, and I'm breaking them into 9 separate 1/3 batches to brew in my 10 pint Pinter. First three will be getting fresh Voss Kveik yeast (3.3g) and 17g of Citra dry hops. I'm going to experiment with temperature and time, first of all. I'm just using basic tap water with campden tabs and double the normal amount of yeast nutrient in all batches (since it's Kveik).
Batch 1 - currently in the Pinter - pitched at 40C, holding external temp at 38C for 3 days, with the last half a day at ambient to start to cool down. From what I've read, at that temp (and under pressure - I think) the Kveik should fully ferment in about 36-48 hours. I will cold crash for just under a day (since I'm going away on Tuesday for a few days, and it needs to be done by then) and then condition for as long as I can hold off trying it :) This batch had 400g of granulated sugar added (full pack suggests 1kg of brewing sugar or 1.2kg of DME), so will probably be slightly higher OG. Like an idiot, I forgot to measure the OG.
Batch 2 - decanted from pouch at same time as batch 1 & 3 - will pitch hot and hold at c. 30C for probably 6 days. Will stick with the table sugar for consistency and will make sure I measure the OG that time! That will give me the OG of the first batch, since I was careful in pouring the pouch into three kilner jars up to precisely the same level (as far as my eyes could tell).
Batch 3 - this has also been decanted into a vacuumed kilner (using the in-oven canning method) and I'm not sure what I'll do differently here... but I might choose the temperature of whichever of batch 1/2 I prefer and use 400g of DME instead. I may need to up the amount of DME to get the OG the same as with the sugar, I'm not sure.
Batches 4-9 - recommend me some experiments! I have 100g of Citra hops left after batch 1, so if I swap to other DH, I'll need to go and get some. I also have some M24 Versa Lager Yeast left over from a previous MJ pack (only about 3.3g but enough to do one batch). I'm keen to really test out the Kveik and perhaps different aromatic dry hops but if there's a yeast I should try (maybe a saison? - although under pressure?) please recommend.
I'll keep you updated - especially if this beast explodes. I made a slurry with a small amount of warm wort and the 3.3g of yeast... it went wild pretty quickly. I've knocked my carbonation valve down from 5 (max0 to 4 - Pinter doesn't do PSI - as I'm a little bit concerned about the thing blowing up, especially at this hot temperature.
Thanks to TrevTheBev of this forum, I was gifted 3x out of date packs of Mangrove's Nelson Sauvin IPA. So 90+ pints! (Outdoor Access Trust - a fab charity for those of us who enjoy the hills and mountains - have received £50 as Trev wouldn't take anything for them...)
The hops and yeast have been chucked away, and I'm breaking them into 9 separate 1/3 batches to brew in my 10 pint Pinter. First three will be getting fresh Voss Kveik yeast (3.3g) and 17g of Citra dry hops. I'm going to experiment with temperature and time, first of all. I'm just using basic tap water with campden tabs and double the normal amount of yeast nutrient in all batches (since it's Kveik).
Batch 1 - currently in the Pinter - pitched at 40C, holding external temp at 38C for 3 days, with the last half a day at ambient to start to cool down. From what I've read, at that temp (and under pressure - I think) the Kveik should fully ferment in about 36-48 hours. I will cold crash for just under a day (since I'm going away on Tuesday for a few days, and it needs to be done by then) and then condition for as long as I can hold off trying it :) This batch had 400g of granulated sugar added (full pack suggests 1kg of brewing sugar or 1.2kg of DME), so will probably be slightly higher OG. Like an idiot, I forgot to measure the OG.
Batch 2 - decanted from pouch at same time as batch 1 & 3 - will pitch hot and hold at c. 30C for probably 6 days. Will stick with the table sugar for consistency and will make sure I measure the OG that time! That will give me the OG of the first batch, since I was careful in pouring the pouch into three kilner jars up to precisely the same level (as far as my eyes could tell).
Batch 3 - this has also been decanted into a vacuumed kilner (using the in-oven canning method) and I'm not sure what I'll do differently here... but I might choose the temperature of whichever of batch 1/2 I prefer and use 400g of DME instead. I may need to up the amount of DME to get the OG the same as with the sugar, I'm not sure.
Batches 4-9 - recommend me some experiments! I have 100g of Citra hops left after batch 1, so if I swap to other DH, I'll need to go and get some. I also have some M24 Versa Lager Yeast left over from a previous MJ pack (only about 3.3g but enough to do one batch). I'm keen to really test out the Kveik and perhaps different aromatic dry hops but if there's a yeast I should try (maybe a saison? - although under pressure?) please recommend.
I'll keep you updated - especially if this beast explodes. I made a slurry with a small amount of warm wort and the 3.3g of yeast... it went wild pretty quickly. I've knocked my carbonation valve down from 5 (max0 to 4 - Pinter doesn't do PSI - as I'm a little bit concerned about the thing blowing up, especially at this hot temperature.