Exmoor Ale.

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Jun 25, 2012
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I was tentatively thinking of doing a Rauchbier next but I've put it off indefinitely at the moment, don't think I would enjoy a big brew of this speciality smoked ale.
So I've been ordered by my son to do a straight forward easy drinking pale ale or two, as my kits and AG are usually dark and strong.
I'm thinking along the lines of GW recipes for Exmoor Beast , strong and dark, and Exmoor Gold a golden light Ale.
Has anyone brewed these and have an opinion ?
I had a pint of the real thing a few years ago and wasn't impressed so struck them off my to do list. However I did drink St Austells Proper Job IPA the best pale ale I have ever tasted. :thumb: I cloned this earlier this year excellent beer. :thumb:
This is my norther version of it

Fermentable Colour lb: oz Grams Ratio
Pale Malt 5 EBC 28 lbs. 3.2 oz 12790 grams 89.9%
Wheat Malt 3.5 EBC 1 lbs. 9.1 oz 710 grams 5%
Oat Flakes 2.5 EBC 1 lbs. 9.3 oz 715 grams 5%

Hop Variety Type Alpha Time lb: oz grams Ratio
Chinook Whole 11.5 % 90 mins 0 lbs. 1.0 oz 29 grams 8.1%
Cascade Whole 5.7 % 90 mins 0 lbs. 0.6 oz 18 grams 5%
Willamette Whole 4.7 % 90 mins 0 lbs. 1.4 oz 40 grams 11.1%
Challenger Whole 7.6 % 90 mins 0 lbs. 1.1 oz 30 grams 8.3%
Chinook Whole 11.5 % 10 mins 0 lbs. 1.2 oz 35 grams 9.7%
Cascade Whole 5.7 % 10 mins 0 lbs. 1.5 oz 43 grams 11.9%
Willamette Whole 4.7 % 10 mins 0 lbs. 1.1 oz 30 grams 8.3%
Willamette Whole 4.7 % 5 mins 0 lbs. 1.1 oz 30 grams 8.3%
Cascade Whole 5.7 % 5 mins 0 lbs. 1.2 oz 35 grams 9.7%
Chinook Whole 11.5 % 5 mins 0 lbs. 1.4 oz 40 grams 11.1%
Willamette Whole 4.7 % 0 mins 0 lbs. 0.5 oz 15 grams 4.2%
Cascade Whole 5.7 % 0 mins 0 lbs. 0.5 oz 15 grams 4.2%

Final Volume: 55 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.058
Final Gravity: 1.013
Alcohol Content: 5.9% ABV
Total Liquor: 77.7 Litres
Mash Liquor: 35.6 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 53.1920014094281 EBU
Colour: 9 EBC

If you want to make it true to the original drop the wheat malt and oat flakes. But if you do want to use the oats then do a glucan mash.

Glucan mash is a mini mash of all the oats plus 10% of the weight of oats in pale malt, mash for 30 mins at 35-40c then heat it back up to main mash temp add the the grist and mash as normal.

that's some hop additions !
I might not have enough clothes pegs to hang me hop socks from...... :D
I've brewed Exmoor Gold using the BrewUK Extract kit and it came out very, very nice: possibly my best brew so far, just like a pub ale.
http://www.brewuk.co.uk/store/beerkits/ ... -pack.html

2.5kg of Dried Malt Extract
Boil 35g Challenger for 65 mins.
Boil 13g Goldings for 10 mins.
Steep 9g Styrian Goldings for 30 mins.
S-04 yeast

Agree that St Austell Proper Job is one helluva beer :D Was in my local last time I was down in Devon on holiday. You don't happen to have an extract recipe for it, by any chance?
Yes jut replace the pale malt for extract so that you get it to that gravity. :thumb:

On that recipe you would need to add 8400g of DME but remember that is a recipe for 55L

You really also need to use US-05 for the yeast as it lets the hops sing. :whistle:
PD it is a very hoppy citrusy ale, very american in that respect, not you average traditional english style pale ale, but probalbly the tastiest brews in my repertoire . :thumb: