Excllent service from Solar project (again!)

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Jun 30, 2010
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North of 't Border
Had to contact Peter at solar project's as I had managed to mangle my o ring on my mini pump.
He said no problem o ring in the post same day FOC! :thumb:

Now this is over a year old and I had to send it back when it froze on me, (turned out my 10min flush wasn't long enough). Peter "serviced" it (dumped it on into boiling water for a couple of hours) and returned it to me FOC. :cheers:

So if you want a small pump (12V) have a look at the solar project ones, I use it to pump from my HLT to my MT's spinning arm. And then to transfer the wort to the FV from the boiler.

Wasn't sure where to post this so went for the snug.
Good to know the service is great. I haven't had to test it, as my wee solar pump is going well. I intend to buy more.
Ian ring him thats what happened to mine twice. He was good and replaced them both no problem which type do u have the 3 metre of 5 metre pump?