Erdinger anyone know of any kits

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Active Member
Mar 4, 2012
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Hi I want to brew something similar to erdinger does anyone know of any kits I tried coopers wheat beer but it was a bit bland and more like a lager!
i don't think you will find any :( however they do some in America but not here , do a google search you may find them but its getting hold of them will be the problem
1 can Thomas Coopers Wheat beer.
1Kg Ultra blend brew booster or 'ultra brew'
12g Hellertau finishing hops.
Wheat beer yeast (the one under the can lid works fine).
Got this recipe of georges home brew what is best way to add hops ?
i would add hops in a muslin bag (sterilize first) straight into the FV after around 4 to 5 days of fermentation then leave brew for around 12 days total even though it may be done before this best to leave it longer and i'd try and ferment at around 18c for best results plus i would get some safbrew wb-06 yeast for better results too

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