My latest brew has been going for almost a week now. Last night it was about 2 minutes apart between bubbles in the air lock. This morning it was down to about 3 â 4 minutes apart.
My question is: How far apart should the bubbles be in the air lock when it is complete and after completion how long do I have before I have to bottle it. :pray:
The reason Iâm asking as today is Thursday morning and I wasnât planning on bottling my beer until Saturday morning. Would this be okay or are there some issues Iâm not thinking about?????
My question is: How far apart should the bubbles be in the air lock when it is complete and after completion how long do I have before I have to bottle it. :pray:
The reason Iâm asking as today is Thursday morning and I wasnât planning on bottling my beer until Saturday morning. Would this be okay or are there some issues Iâm not thinking about?????