element lead meltdown??

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I have mentioned it on here before. I once used a 10amp extension lead with my Burco boiler. The extension lead FAILED in less than half an hour. My 13amp extension lead has never let me down when brewing. Don't cut corners you know it makes sense ;)
Cheers guys. I tried emailing Backer a while ago about this with no response but I'll get on the phone tomorrow. The combo I mentioned was recommended by some fellow brewers here a while ago but it didn't sound quite right, even to a complete novice.

Totally agree snail, cutting corners, particularly when it comes to electricity/saftey, isn't worth it.
Have a walk round you local town. Go down some of the little back streets and find a small independent electrical shop. Chances are they will have the type of lead you want kicking around as old stock just gathering dust.
In the end I ordered them from Backer for the princely sum of about 23 pounds for two with delivery etc. As I won't be using them in the UK, but in Scandanavia, my next challenge will be to either switch the plug on the lead(this should be straight forward anough as long as the plug takes more than 12.5 amps???) or find an adaptor that tolerates at least 12.5 amps. Any thoughts about the safest way of doing this? I shifted out a plug on a uk appliance before and it's cabled melted through after a year of using it here...