Electric elements

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Frisps 2 Firkin Brewery
Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
South Ayrshire
Mi Amigos. Having taken delivery of the shiney Im keen to seek the Guru Like Knowledge of Y'all.
What elements should I fit to me 70L stainless beast of a boiler.
I have 2 tesco elements in my Plastic bin but I feel that a single one is not keeping a good rolling boil.

The research I have done would point to 2.7Kw kettle elements as being man enough. But Im also wondering about 3KW BES elements.

Whats the concensus. Enlighten me of great guru of bru

PS Im taking a cornie of 5.8%TC to a mates "russell harty" toninght so dont expect any sence from me fro a couple of days.
Personally I would go for the Immersion Elements . . . They are trickier to fit, particularly drilling the 67mm holes, but being longer will lead to less caramelisation of the wort
I used a 70 ltr boiler using a nordic pot on my last brewery.
It had 2 x 2.4kw elements, which got to a rolling boil quite quickly.
The problem was 1 element couldn't maintain a rolling boil, whilst 2 was too much IMO.

IMO opinion there isn't too much difference in power rating between a 3kw and a 2.75kw, but personally I didn't push the limits of my house wiring by going for 3kw elements.
The difference in boiling between 2 x 3kw and 2 x 2.75kw is negligable, so it's toally up to you F.
You could always use a combination, a 2.4 and a 3kw, 3kw being for the main boil.

I'm in the process of sourcing a supply of stainless shrouds for the 2.75kw elements....watch this space ;)
These elements have the old round pins, but they can have the mains wire soldered directly onto them, negating the need to find the old type female socket which is VERY hard to find.
Oh My flippin head. :sick: Twas a great night, in addition to TC someone turned up with 5 Galls of Broadoak chewey Cider. Yikes.

Im assumiong that the 2.75 Kw elements are 40mm holes?
V1 Are all 2.75 Elements round pin?

Any links to any element suppliers out there?
Vossy1 said:
These elements have the old round pins, but they can have the mains wire soldered directly onto them

That can actually be a bad thing, at high wattages things are normally clamped, problem can be the resistance of the solder at high currents it can heat up and melt . . . You can do it, and probably get away with it . . . . but . . . .