Electric cars.

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Just been looking at used Honda Es that came out a few years ago, as I've always had hatchbacks. Down from almost £40k when they were new a few years ago to around £13k now with minimal miles. Tempting at that price, but I have to wonder why the used prices are so low 🤷
It's a brilliant looking car, I was tempted for the mrs but it is a 2nd car really given its range and it was pricey for the size battery it has. Charge at home, local commute & shops, school run, perfect.

Instead she has this... only 260 miles range in comparison which is on the small size for a petrol car. If we chunnel across to Europe we'll sometimes take her car rather than mine if we are staying somewhere with a tight car park. Although it only take 4 crates of beer in the boot.

One fillup in Tesco Folkstone or Carrefour cite europe depending on how lightfooted I am and one on the way back usually does the trick.
If she had the honda-e we wouldn't have that option. I'd certain get an 'e' as a third car if I had a stack of cash and space for another car.

We will be more likely to move to one car in the future so will gift our daughter one of ours.... but which one?

I will admit i don't like the shape or look of some e cars VW and BMW they look like lego bricks, having said that we own an ice Juke which is brilliant for a 1.0L it has 115bhp and weighs nothing and no cam belt
Just been looking at used Honda Es that came out a few years ago, as I've always had hatchbacks. Down from almost £40k when they were new a few years ago to around £13k now with minimal miles. Tempting at that price, but I have to wonder why the used prices are so low 🤷
I was intrigued by this, as Ive always thought the Honda E was a pretty cool car and the one i might go for if i ever made the switch. But it gets pretty mediocre reviews. The issues seem to be boot capacity (and the rear seat only folds as a whole piece), price and an abysmal range - even the best case is only 131 miles. With heaters etc on, that could easily become less than 100, and then even a relatively small unplanned trip could leave you with major range anxiety....

I'm quite shocked Honda seem to have got this so wrong. Looks like a classic example of form (which is lovely) over function.
Why do we need electric cars, any body know how much co2 is in our atmosphere in the uk. bearing in mind if you get below 0.2% things start to die. This a farmer addressing the transportation board

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He asked them how much co2 was in the atmosphere in America they answered between 5 and 8% which is way off it is 0.4%. don't get me wrong i am not some anti climate nut job i just don't believe we the ordinary people are at fault and are being lied to about the real reason for all this change
The science on this is fairly robust. The biggest source of excess atmospheric CO2 is the burning of fossil fuels. There is a myriad of other causes, some natural and some not. Human activity impacts on quite a number of the natural and all of the unnatural.
Out of interest, who's doing the lying?
He asked them how much co2 was in the atmosphere in America they answered between 5 and 8% which is way off it is 0.4%. don't get me wrong i am not some anti climate nut job i just don't believe we the ordinary people are at fault and are being lied to about the real reason for all this change

So you are a climate nutjob.
So you are a climate nutjob.

That’s a bit harsh.
People should be afforded room to challenge and then justify their arguments in open debate (it’s called the principle of charity).
Rational people are capable of engaging in discussion and adjusting their viewpoint after appropriate consideration of the evidence presented, sometimes after a period of further learning and reflection.
The irrational just double down and the bigger the argument against their point of view, the deeper they dig. That’s the backlash effect.
It’s very easy to push rational people down the irrational route.
That’s a bit harsh.
People should be afforded room to challenge and then justify their arguments in open debate (it’s called the principle of charity).
Rational people are capable of engaging in discussion and adjusting their viewpoint after appropriate consideration of the evidence presented, sometimes after a period of further learning and reflection.
The irrational just double down and the bigger the argument against their point of view, the deeper they dig. That’s the backlash effect.
It’s very easy to push rational people down the irrational route.

Unfortunately I've seen enough of his drivel to be confident in placing him in the latter category. He'd find a video that argued that white was black if it back up his belief thay man-made climate change was a fallacy.

You're far more patient than I.
Once again you fail explain, so if someone's opinion does not fall into line with your thinking they are a nut job. that is very radical coming from a very well educated person as you, have you got a lot of tree's in your garden. were in my post did i say i was anti climate all i did was post a video and asked a question is there anything wrong with that if you don't like what i post don't reply
Once again you fail explain, so if someone's opinion does not fall into line with your thinking they are a nut job. that is very radical coming from a very well educated person as you, have you got a lot of tree's in your garden. were in my post did i say i was anti climate all i did was post a video and asked a question is there anything wrong with that if you don't like what i post don't reply

You post conspiracy after conspiracy and are brazen enough to say that others are being manipulated.
Electric cars was never going to work as long as everyone ignores the elephant in the room: too many people driving too many cars.
Once the companies that install chargers are confident enough of us are going to use their chargers meaning they get their money back quickly they will spring up everywhere, on street charging for those of us who dont have off street parking will be the next big thing.

We recently had chargers installed in our 3 pay and display car parks i use one of the car parks fairly regularly and until last month had never seen a car on charge at any, the last three times i visited there has been a different car on one of the chargers so as predicted EV's are selling well and we are not all changing at home, the companies that install the chargers are going to have to get their finger out and keep supply ahead of demand.
As battery ranges increase people are going to take them further and they are going to need to be able to charge away from home.
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