dry malt extract christmas beer

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Active Member
Aug 9, 2012
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Hi there guys

i want to brew a christmas ale (preferably spiced) with my dad when he comes over to visit. I want to use dry malt extract for ease of use and was wandering if anyone could offer up some ideas?

many thanks

Hi John,

most AG recipe books offer extract versions of each recipe, so pick one you like the sound of, and for the spice aspect you could try adding in small amounts of christmas spices (nutmeg, cinnamon?) into the fermenter??

caveat - I've never done that! not really my thing, but I know others have tried it :thumb:
BigYin said:
Hi John,

most AG recipe books offer extract versions of each recipe, so pick one you like the sound of, and for the spice aspect you could try adding in small amounts of christmas spices (nutmeg, cinnamon?) into the fermenter??

caveat - I've never done that! not really my thing, but I know others have tried it :thumb:

nice one, thanks very much. i'm going to a couple of local homebrew shops to nosey round so i'll see what books they have.

thanks again

very welcome :drink:

Two I will recommend :

Brew Your Own British Real Ale by Graham Wheeler


Real Ales For The Home Brewer by Marc Ollosson (bargain at £3.49!!) - it's a .pdf you are sent once you buy the book.

The Graham Wheeler book delves more into the theories of brewing, as well as providing loads of recipes, all with extract versions, and the Marc Ollosson book is more of a recipe book, again with extract versions for all the recipes.
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