Dry hopping

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Active Member
Oct 6, 2011
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I have a friend who live in Kent who has a friend who works at the Shepherd neame brewery, so I have access to some low price hops. I was considering dryhoping my 2 can kit, when is the best time to do this, should I drop in the FV should I wrap in muslin, should I have boiled it and added it to the initial water...

Answers ona postcard!!


Jaffa said:
I have a friend who live in Kent who has a friend who works at the Shepherd neame brewery, so I have access to some low price hops. I was considering dryhoping my 2 can kit, when is the best time to do this, should I drop in the FV should I wrap in muslin, should I have boiled it and added it to the initial water...
Hi Jaff, I'm in the same boat, I'm planning my next brew, but I haven't tried dry hopping yet. I did a quick archives searchclicky and DH is done after fermentation, after racking into a secondary FV or into a keg.
Using a hop bag or muslin seems to be popular. When you refer to "boiling" do you mean as a method of bringing out the hop aromas or for sterilizing hops and bag? Good question and I'd like to know the answer to that also.