Dry Hopping: Too Early or Too Late?

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Jun 8, 2011
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I want to dry hop my new IPA, it's been in the barrel a week so far. I will want to rack it off next week when it'll be down to 1.010. If I leave it any longer, I won't have enough sugar in there to get any fizz.

So, do I dry hop it now? That's 1 week of added hop flavours. I read though, that the fermentation will disturb the hop aromas/oils, is this right? How do I dry hop without ending up with flat bottled ale? I'd rather not have to go and add sugar to the bottles.
Personally i think you will need to add sugar of some description to your bottles to get carbonation,i don't think they would carbonate without a priming solution of some sort. :hmm:
:cheers: ken.
fermentall said:
Personally i think you will need to add sugar of some description to your bottles to get carbonation,i don't think they would carbonate without a priming solution of some sort. :hmm:
:cheers: ken.

It usually works. The book I bought, Self Sufficient Home Brewing or whatever it's called, he actually recommends not adding sugar. I imagine this is because it might have an impact on the flavour. Purity!

I'll probably lob a ton of hops in tomorrow then. Are there any you shouldn't add? I've got a freezer full of random hops.

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