Dry hop flop!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Reaction score
Leafield, Oxfordshire
I have just racked my ESB clone to secondary FV.

In my excitement to dry hop for the first time, I forgot to put my hops into a hop sock.

I am now worried that I will not be able to filter out the hop debris when I bottle.

Any advice would be welcome!
Just syphon into a secondary FV with aforementioned hop sock over the end of the syphon to catch all the dregs. I am just about to do this with my Festival Landlord kit
You will need to carefully transfere into a clean Fv let it settle for a day or two then bottle, either that or bottle it and when you start getting hops and sediment stop bottling let it settle and try again but really you need a second Fv and perhaps a kitchen sieve. :thumb:
I did this once and didn't have any problems at all. Make sure you leave it to settle out and either transfer to secondary or use a seive!
carl_saint said:
use a seive!

How would that work without oxidising?

FWIW, I'm going to move to the "chuck em in and filter when racking" method. Having dry hopped a couple with pellets, it seems that you get more of the ooomph that you get when you open the bag if your hops just swim around rather than being constrained in a bag.

Racking with a muslin filter over the racking cane is easy and efficient. :thumb:
+1 for dry hopping with no hop bag. racking off into the bottling bucket with the bag round the syphon end and i find the blanket of hops on top of the carboy quite satisfying.