Drinking habits

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Sep 13, 2012
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Just wondering what people's drinking habits are. Only reason I ask is because I don't drink much, maybe a few glasses of wine, or spirit and mixer twice a week, but when I'm with friends I tend to binge. I know binging is bad for me, but with good company I'm sure we all lose track of how much you've drunk.

For example, I went horse racing last week, and during the 7 races, shared 2 litres of skittles vodka between 4 of us, 1 litre of mars vodka shots between 3 of us, few glasses of wine and then lost count of how many ciders I had during the concert afterwards (there were crap bands on so had to be drunk for them, well that's my excuse anyway!). The problem is that I don't get hangovers no matter how much I drinker mix drinks, so I never know when to stop.
I used to be a dj so used to drink like a fish.

Now I've made homebrew I like a drink at night but think it's just the novelty of having my own stuff

Normally have a beer or maybe a glass cider
i will some times have a pint a few times a week but can go weeks without any. used to drink heavy a few times a months but i soon got bored of that other than last weekend it had been over 2 years since i have had a night out with the boys.
So what does everyone do with their brews?!

A bit of a dumb question, but people's sigs have gallons of beer and wine on the go.

I'm limited on the space for storage so it's a case of 1 brew in, one brew out for me. And since we don't drink a lot I don't get to brew as much as I'd like.

It's a question I wondered about for a while :)
I brew at my mums spare room

Storage wise I keep my brewed beers in a garden chest currently have 2 brews.
well it takes longer to condition that it does to drink so a back stock as is good idea
iceo said:
will it takes longer to condition that it does to drink so a back stock as is good idea

So true my mums thinks I'm brewing to much but as the nights are brighter then more gets drunk lol
my mrs is the same why you making more you have not drunk the last lot :nono: :whistle:
A good cook or Chef, doesn't have to be a glutton.
When you brew homebrew you don't have to drink like a fish. Moderation in all...
Its no hardship for me to brew once a week the brews go to conditioning or ( now ) into a corney. As time goes on your beers come on line and you can drink moderately from your stocks...If stocks are getting high miss a brew or low brew an extra one.....Balance what you got with the space you have available.
Rarely do I drink more than 2 a night and many a night I don't bother.. Son is up very early in a morning so he doesn't drink excessive. It works out.
A dozen bottles here and there to friends usually relieves a blockage in storage....lol.
Yeah seem to acquire a lot of new friends when brewing lol
stevie1556 said:
The problem is that I don't get hangovers no matter how much I drinker mix drinks, so I never know when to stop.
Life is so frigging unfair.

I'm 22 so my drinking habits are generally wine with dinner, pub 2-3 days a week for 3 pints or so.
Then an absolute skinfull friday & saturday (15-16 pints, but I am 6'6" and 21 stone) and a fair few on Sunday as well.

I share my brews and I've got loads of mates who really want to start doing their own brews now - the beauty of brewing!

I used to drink more though, when I was in my second year of university I was making big bucks working nights and used to get quite drunk after my shifts and then some, pretty much drank every day of the week. Just because I had nothing else to spend my money on I bought loads of expensive whisky and cigars.
I can't remember the time I was actually properly pi**ed - I get real washing-machine-stomach the next day which really removes any joy from drinking too much. I have a feeling it may have been some time around '98-99... :shock:

I normally get through somewhere between 2 and 6 pints a week - most of my stock goes to family and friends who are normally more than happy to recieve it.

I worked out that if I kept it for myself, I have over 2 years stock, which would end up just going off, so giving it away allows me to indulge my hobby more often!
I'm definitely an occasional drinker now, probably share a bottle of wine every other week with the missus. Things change when you have a child!! hangovers just aren't worth it when you're up at 4am trying to get a wide awake child who just wants to play back to sleep...
La la.... been there done that bought the t shirt....

You going to find theres an awful lot folks never told you/warned you about bringing up kids
narmour said:
I'm definitely an occasional drinker now, probably share a bottle of wine every other week with the missus. Things change when you have a child!! hangovers just aren't worth it when you're up at 4am trying to get a wide awake child who just wants to play back to sleep...

Try using rohypnol. That way they can be as noisy as a bad metal band and you'll still sleep soundly.
Tim_Crowhurst said:
narmour said:
I'm definitely an occasional drinker now, probably share a bottle of wine every other week with the missus. Things change when you have a child!! hangovers just aren't worth it when you're up at 4am trying to get a wide awake child who just wants to play back to sleep...

Try using rohypnol. That way they can be as noisy as a bad metal band and you'll still sleep soundly.
ah the old rohypnol and coke, that's a favourite up this way lol.

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