Doris update.

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New Member
Aug 14, 2012
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Evening all,

Had the lid off Doris again this evening, she's been sat now for 8 days, and took her temp and a hydrometer reading. She's currently at 21 degrees and the sample looked relatively clear. The reading was around 1008 - 1010 which, I'm guessing is still a little high? I didn't take an initial reading do I don't know what it's come down from. I'm going to do the same again on wednesday and see if it's changed or is constant. I'm hoping to bottle at the weekend so hopefully all's well with her?
What variety of liquid is the old dear? If she is a beer then that gravity sounds ideal - any lower and she might be a bit thin.

I've been reading various post on here about chilling the brew at some point? Is that about now and what are the benefits?
I've also been reading about a secondary fermentation thingy. Is that worth doing and can I use the keg that came with the kit to do it? Or, am I just better of using the keg to batch prime and get her in into bottles?

Oh so many questions!
The secondary is about getting the brew off all the crap in the bottom of the FV. Not everyone does it and I wouldn't bother for your kit.

Chilling the brew helps the yeast to drop out of suspension, you'll end up bottling clearer beer and have less sediment in the bottle. You need to be sure the yeast is finished before you do this and then drop the temp for 2-3 days before bottling. If your making proper lager there's a longer cold storage process called lagering involved.

in your case i'd check your gravity again in a couple of days, if it's the same then chill (if you can)for 3 days then bottle by batch priming in your keg as you said.

Going to check Doris again tomorrow to see how gravity is getting on. Have been through the thought process of chilling her for a couple of days but keep getting stuck at the "what to do with the contents of the fridge" problem. So maybe that's going to go by the wayside on this occasion. Would the use of finings be any good? Found some Harris Beer Brite on Ebay for £1.50 Worth a punt or best left to the pro's?


I'm am 8 kits in and haven't used findings once. Nice clear beer. See the feck test thread. I always leave at least two weeks before bottling and don't use secondary - yet :cheers:
Took another reading this eve and the ol' girls still reading 1010 so I guess she's almost ready. Going to do another reading Friday then bottle Sunday. She'll have been in the FV for 2 weeks at that point and the Dyson, who's kindly donated his cupboard in the name of brewing excellence, is looking longingly at his home.

The sample I took today looked pretty clear and tasted rather good, if I do say so myself.

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