doom bar clone

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New Member
Jan 9, 2011
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S.E Cornwall
has anyone got a recipe for a sharpes brewery doom bar clone please, or any kits that are similar or can be modded to be similar.

also maybe a silly question, but can you cultivate yeast from commercial beers, for instance use dregs from a doom bar bottle to reproduce the strain of yeast they use.

I obviously have no idea, and would appreciate any help or advise on this. :cheers:
Can't help with the recipe, but the usually available DoomBar in bottles is not bottle conditioned as I recall (the one that's in a clear bottle at 4.3% ABV) so you shouldn't be finding yeast in there. You may be able to get hold of a 4.0%ABV bottle conditioned version (dark glass bottle) but then you would need to know if the yeast used was the primary strain as some bottle conditioned beers have the yeast that was used for primary fermentation removed and are re-seeded with another strain for bottle conditioning and this may not be suitable for a primary I understand it. Those with greater knowledge are sure to correct me if I am wrong!
I've taken yeast from a fullers bottle and cultured it up successfully, Uncle Pumble did the same recently and posted about it. I took some from a Leute Bock bottle and used it recently but that was much more of a shot in the dark as I don't know much about how that yeast should be treated. I know people do it with other beers. I think I read that the Duvel yeast started life in a McEwans bottle way back when. One thing to watch out for is that the strain of yeast isn't always the one that the brewery used for most of the fermentation.

There is a guide here and there was a decent video knocking around on youtube showing you how to culture yeast from a Worthingtons White Shield bottle.

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