Does this beer look normal?

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Apr 1, 2021
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Hi everyone, here's yet another question. This is a week into fermentation it's my first AG's a Belgian ipa. Is that normal? It looks like a brain. I had a google and someone mentioned it's because I used whirlfloc. I'm just checking to see if that's right? And will it clear up. I've got to dry hop in a couple of days so that will probably just sit on top of that stuff. Sorry for all the questions it's getting embarrassing now. Cheers.


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I’ve not seen anything like that myself.

What was your recipe?
How much whirlfloc did you use?
How did you transfer the wort from kettle to fermenter - did you tip everything in?
It was ag 5l belgian ipa I got as part of a beginners kit from Get er brewed. They supplied a whirlfloc tablet and said add it 10 mins before flame out. I just tipped the wort into the demijon straight from the pan.. Cheers
I think it might be the new normal.

Seriously, there is no normal. And it's Belgian, which takes it even further from any theoretical normal. I wouldn't be worried at all, I've had all sort of weird krausens in my time. :hat:
It was ag 5l belgian ipa I got as part of a beginners kit from Get er brewed. They supplied a whirlfloc tablet and said add it 10 mins before flame out. I just tipped the wort into the demijon straight from the pan.. Cheers
That's your problem, you transferred all the **** into your fermentor
I think it might be the new normal.

Seriously, there is no normal. And it's Belgian, which takes it even further from any theoretical normal. I wouldn't be worried at all, I've had all sort of weird krausens in my time. :hat:
Cheers, I'll wait and hope it clears up.
It was ag 5l belgian ipa I got as part of a beginners kit from Get er brewed. They supplied a whirlfloc tablet and said add it 10 mins before flame out. I just tipped the wort into the demijon straight from the pan.. Cheers

Just from the fact that you tipped it all in I’m going to guess it’s trub. Next time you mash a beer leave it to settle for a while before you tip it in the fermenter and leave the worst of the brain behind in the bottom of the pan.
It doesn't matter what it is, it'll be fine.

I often tip the whole lot in. It does no harm. There's some evidence it does good, and that the beer ends up clearer. It certainly happened in a Brulosophy exbeeriment.