Does the type of sugar used make much difference?

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Active Member
Sep 27, 2010
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just starting out at this and was wondering if the type of sugar used makes that much difference. The guy in my local brew shop recommended starting with normal sugar and then moving onto the brew enhancer and brewing sugar after doing it a few times. I've started one lot of bitter using normal cheap granulated sugar and am just about to start a batch of Coopers European Lager. I'm wondering if it'll taste any different if I use some Demerara sugar instead?

Will this alter the fermentation time as the sugar is courser?

Like the guy in your LHBS said, use ordinary sugar for your first brews, then you can start trying to improve them. General consensus seems to be ordinary granulated sugar for lagers but think about brew enhancer or dried malt extract for bitters. You can use darker sugars and it shouldn't make much difference to fermentation times.

Welcome to the forum :cheers:
Thanks for the quick reply, just checked my bitter and it looks like its ready to bottle so hopefully I can make a start on the lager tonight and if Im lucky itl be ready for Xmas