I, in error, bought a MH1210A intelligent temperature controller, instead of the STC 1000. Difference is mine will control heating or cooling not heating and cooling. I have a STC 1000 on order. Since in real terms I can only heat for last year the sensor has been wedged between a sponge and the fermentor wall and tests have shown this is within 1úC of centre of brew temperature.
However also fitted an electronic thermometer to measure fridge air temperature and as it happens garage air temperature to try and work out the point where I will either have to stop brewing or use refrigeration as summer returns. The results were not as expected. Today as I write fridge air 16úC and fermentor wall at 19.3úC OK at moment new brew starting, but even at the end I can still get a couple of degrees between the two.
Form of heating has not helped, I use a demo under floor heating tile, which means direct contact heater to fermentor so heat goes into fermentor then heats the air. On a warm day when near ready to bottle fridge air and fermentor are at the same temperature, but at start of brewing or when garage is cold the difference increases.
The STC has not arrived yet so I have no idea as to the difference which can be set between heating and cooling so also have no idea what is required to ensure brew is at temperature required. I had all sorts of theories, but been proved wrong so will admit at the moment I simply don't know how to control. However one of my jobs was pre-heating and stress relief of pipes and I used many heaters, sensors, and controllers to do this mainly cooper heat so I do understand the problems with over shoot so realise and accept the controllers being used are not ideal. Commercial units would slowly alter the mark/space ratio so as it approaches the temperature required it starts switching off and on rather than wait until reached temperature before switching off. By using both heaters and coolers only just big enough we can get around the problem.
However what is does mean is measuring fridge air temperature does not mean the brew temperature is controlled. So it seems the normal way around the problem is to compensate for the error. So for my kit instructions state start temperature 20~25úC and run temperature 18~24úC and says an even temperature produces better results. This is for Young's harvest beers. From experience I have found too cool and it stalls and allows wild yeasts to get a hold and too warm gives it off tastes.
So I aim to start at 18úC and over first 24 hours raise to 19.5úC I know there is a 0.5úC difference between fermentor wall and centre of the brew so that means brew is at 20úC. After around 5 days I will raise to 20úC on the controller as less heat is being produced by the fermentation and I want it finished in 20 days and ready to bottle. Instructions state between 5~10 days, I think I might get it in 10 days if I raised the temperature to 23úC at fermentor wall. But I am allowing for temperature difference through the brew so keep to lower side.
If the brew is fermenting then wild yeasts will not get a hold, and once it has started getting too cold may delay bottling day, but will not harm the brew. Getting too hot however produces off tastes some which will reduce in time, but not all. It does not really matter what gauges show be it úC or úF or any other unit, since you need to compensate it's more down to keeping to a reading which will allow fermenting, but not too quickly. If my controller was measuring air temperature at the moment it would need to be set a 16úC but since measuring fermentor wall temperature it is set to 19.5úC.
It seems according to instructions we have 6úC to play with, and my reading show about 4úC between air temperature and fermentor temperature so between 18úC and 20úC air temperature will give between 18 ~ 24úC brew temperature. So measuring air temperature in fridge heater on at 18úC and fridge on at 20úC should keep brew within limits set by manufacturers instructions.
But I tell the story as clearly it depends where your sensor is as to what temperature should be set.