Been a while since I brewed and using up some kits that were going out of date. My question is how long can you keep beer in the keg before it goes bad. Its never lasted that long before.....
Been a while since I brewed and using up some kits that were going out of date. My question is how long can you keep beer in the keg before it goes bad. Its never lasted that long before.....
I don't keg beer but from a general point beer improves for a period for example, a bottled beer will become great after six weeks in my experience depending on strength and type, but kept too long (and in the wrong conditions like too warm) it becomes horrible. So short answer is yes it improves with age but not indefinately.
live beers will keep in a keg ok But the yeast will continue to slowly munch on the long chain sugars that provide body, this can thin out a lighter beer, but heavy porters and stouts can benefit from 12months + in a keg due to this effect, a real keg or corny not a pb, a pb has further vulnerabilities such as UV and co2 escape..
Beer improves for a few weeks, then starts to deteriorate. First to go is any fresh hop flavours, so hoppy pale ales are best drunk sooner rather than later.
I read somewhere that bottled beer will keep for up to a year, kegged beer for 6 months. A lot must depend on alcohol content as well - high ABV beers storing better than session beers. That's one of the reasons IPAs were developed - to survive the long sea trip to India.
I've got a couple of Belgian beers coming up to a year old in the fridge - they were pretty harsh when first brewed and have mellowed nicely. On the other hand, some hoppy beers I brewed at the start of the year are now starting to lose their flavour.