Does anyone use Beersmith for Extract brewing?

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May 17, 2012
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I downloaded it for a nosey and it would appear that some of the yields are MILES off.

According to the inventory the Yield of DME is 1.046. This is miles off of what it is in reality. I checked 10g in 100ml and hit 1.031 (approx 80% that of sugar).

Looking at some of the other yields this seems common practice. Am I missing something or are some of these figures just plucked out of the sky? Or..... are they calculating the yield based on something other than 10g/100ml sugar/water?

Cheers :)
RobWalker said:
they may well be, I never checked. plus its American software. double click an ingredient to edit details :)

Yeah it was the American side of things that was making me wonder if they viewed yield in the same way we did :D

Will have another look tonight.

Cheers :)
Sussed it out. The American way to calculate the yield is 1lb of the ingredient in 1US gallon of water :)

1lb of sugar in 1US gallon of water equals 1.043 as far as I can see. Would need to do some testing to work it out properly :)