Does anyone go to the London Amateur Brewers meetings?

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Sep 6, 2015
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Just wondering if anyone has gone to a London Amateur brewers evening at UBrew in Bermondsey? Homebrew clubs seem to be a big thing in the US but this is the only one in London that I've found.

I'd quite like the opportunity to share some of my beer and get instant feedback and also taste others' brews and ask them how they made them. I've learned a lot from this and other forums but would be interested to talk to people in real life.

I know there is nothing stopping me going along but I'd be interested to know if people have already been and what they thought of it. I'd also be interested to find out about the facilities at UBrew.
I dont go (even though it's 20 mins away from me) but do a meet up either the last or fist wed of the month (can't remember which now). I've also go a vague recollection The craft beer co do one also. If your looking for a couple of other places