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Apr 25, 2011
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If so...

I've made this new website, dedicated to heat exchangers. I'd love it if everbody would like to contribute some photos, be it home or commercial.

I don't think there is anything on the web quite like this...

Hope you enjoy,

Oh dear I don't know who is more sad, you for setting up a web pages of heat exchangers or them too for getting all excited. :lol: :lol:

Nice shiney though :whistle: :whistle:
was almost tempted to post my diy jobby there too,

and while the beer travels thru SS and platinum cured silicone, there is a lot of other non shiny bits involved too,
Not in the same league really ;)
i like it tho..
I'd like to know more about how those ones on he website are built. They look pretty simple but I know they aren't
Thanks for taking a look guys.

Bob, there is a link to submit your photos on the small square icon in top left hand corner "Your HEX photos". Try that, please and I will try and make the link more obvious.

Fil... I would love to post your homemade creation on there, it looks braw... as long as you don't mind some innuendo laden commentary on it.

And well, GA, I'm glad you enjoyed the site, even if your not quite ready to admit it. This is just to keep me busy until I figure out how to make cheese without the mrs noticing...

DirtyCaner said:
And well, GA, I'm glad you enjoyed the site, even if your not quite ready to admit it. This is just to keep me busy until I figure out how to make cheese without the mrs noticing...

Mine doesn't seem to mind me making cheese in fact she seems to be be quite positive about it. Going to make soft cheese with the kids this weekend that should get a few brownie points :whistle: :whistle:
Anything which is pressed. Ie cheddar, Caerphilly, lancashire.

Soft cheese is usually all the fresh cheeses like cream cheese, paneer, chevre, but also includes aged cheese like stilton, brie, crottin. :thumb:
Yeah, mate, lucky for you. Mine puts up with a lot of ***** with my brewing in the kitchen shenanigans. You know the way this hobby spirals out of control...
graysalchemy said:
I know she doesn't know I want to build a big 3 ft long cheese press. :whistle: :whistle:


I'll raise that point next time we are discussing the extent of my brew hoarding! :D