do i have to make a stater with my wet yeast?

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farmer brown

Mar 7, 2012
Reaction score
Morning on this wet Sunday morning!

My WLP001 wet yeast arrived yesterday, its my first time using wet yeast so have just been reading up on it. The instructions just say to leave it at room temperature 3-6 hours with the lid off before pitching. After researching I got the impression I had to make up a starter a few days before? Is this important or can I simply pitch it this afternoon? I do plan to harvest it so Im going to have a look into that now... If anybody has any tips it will be much appreciated! I plan to make an IPA...

Thanks and enjoy the rain! :roll:

you can pitch the vial straight in your wort but it can be slow to start fermenting. Its best to make a starter using DME at least 4-5 days before brewing. Just stir 300g DME in to pre boiled warm water boil for 10 mins then cool to pitching temp add the vial cover with foil or air lock and it will ferment. When activity has ceased its ready to go in your freshly made wort
Thanks for the advice Mark, so would you say I should hold on making a brew today and make up a starter and pitch say, Thursday when the starter has completed its fermentation? Or should I just pitch today and expect a slow start? How will the two effect the final beer?

I've just ordered some san diego super yeast from malty miller after reading your post last night regarding recommended yeast's for IPA

Thanks again
I decided to pitch it this time without making a starter but the next batch with the san diego, Ill be more organised and make up a starter first.
Thanks for the help chaps!