Disappointed with my fizz

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Active Member
Jun 7, 2012
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I have bottled a few lagers over the year and not got a constant fizz, quite disappointed with a few if I'm honest. Primed with 8g of sugar per 500ml bottle gave a sweet taint to the brew after conditioning, using one carb drop per 500ml in the bottle didn't give me enough fizz after conditioning.

Any way I do not have enough carb drops to double up on the bottles and no way of getting to the brew shop as a holiday is getting in the way of a visit.

So, I'm about to bottle another coopers European lager, I am going to batch prime with 120g of sugar and then one carb drop per 500ml bottle.

Does anybody think I will be ok with the above.
8g in 500ml is way too much, I'm not surprised its sweet!!! The CO2 build up, or the pressure, limits the activity of the yeast.

Half that is plenty, it'll ferment right out and give a peftect lager fizz.
Well, I batched with 120g of sugar. One carb drop per bottle.

We'll see what it's like at Christmas, that's the due date.
I am confused... batch priming with sugar, and then adding a carb drop as well?

ditch the carb drops, just use sugar. If you have 23 litres of the brew, use about 180g sugar to batch prime and bottle.

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