Dilution Star San help wanted

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Jan 8, 2012
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I've finally just got some Star San acid sanitizer for surface sanitation and although it says dilute 1oz in 5 gallon (i assume thats 18.9 litres as in 5 American gallons) so if i was using 1litre of water how many ml is that ? i'm guessing that its around 1ml , question 1 what's the corrected dosage for 1 litre and question 2 is there any dangers to worry about having too strong a dilution and is there a worry over having it too weak , as in doesn't work etc , cheers.
I have never used the stuff, as it always is out of stock or really expensive, where did you get yours from?

I would have thought a bit like other no rinse products , if you make too strong a solution you will have to rinse well after, or end up with a nasty taste, ruined brew or maybe making yourself ill. If it's too weak I would have thought you simply run the risk of it not working properly.

I'm sure you will get some better advice from someone else on here. My only suggestion would be to use an online calculator to convert American measurements to UK, and rather than make up a big batch just use the calculator to work out what you would need to make up 1 litre as an example, while keeping the dilution rates the same.

I have no idea if that would mean it would become less effective, as you would be using a smaller amount than suggested , on a large area. I wouldn't have though you would rub into any problems, probably best to wait for someone else on here to offer a second opinion
think i worked that out to around .7ml for a 400ml spray container , how the hell am i gonna measure that lol
i did put a search in but gave up looking as it listed all other peoples mention of using sterilizer thats exactly what i was after cheers muddy , i knew someone would post it for me sorry for not looking enough :D
It's a sticky at the top of the page, I can't make it any more obvious without bumping it weekly :lol:

I think there is a problem with no actual place to discuss cleaners and sanitizers so they get spread through brewdays, gerneal brewing and general equipment threads hence why I made that post as somewhere to get all info in 1 place. I may ask to see if we can get a seperate thread for cleaners etc????
What a great write up on the provided link, a seperate section on cleaning would be a great idea +1 :thumb: