Dead space boiler/wort loss, Necessary or not?

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Feb 3, 2012
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Just read another thread in brew days and one of the members chose to tip their boiler to get extra wort from the dead space it has as they said their hop strainer (etc) was working very well.

So to my point, could I/we not use a sieve with a couple of layers of muslin/cloth or muslin/cloth bags to strain the last of the wort from the boiler?

I think my dead space is around 1.5lt to 2lt so aprox 4 pints, this IMO is alot (one nights worth of drinks) to waste.
Just a thought, anyone want to tell my why it's not the right thing to do. :lol:

31bb3 said:
Dont forget you dont want the tannins which will be trapped in the hops bed also the protein break material

Ahh, and thats why :lol:
t'was me that did that Andy. :thumb:

Its first time I've done it so can't comment on what difference it makes to the taste as yet.
The proteins were trapped by the bazooka screen ( very efficient hop strainer ) and did not cause any problems.
Tannins might cause a taste problem I'll let you know.
3 litre dead space is a lot of beer so its worth trying it out.
I squeeze out the hops to get every last drop then pas it through a sieve and then reboil for a couple of minutes and add back.

Definitely well worth it, I haven't noticed any detrimental flavours in the beer.

that's good to know...thought I was the only cheapskate on here.. :D
When I used hop socks they all went onto a sieve over a jug for 20 mins squeezed out and added back to the brew. sometimes a full litre of good hoppy liquid recovered.
piddledribble said:
t'was me that did that Andy. :thumb:

Yeh, i know.
Didn't want to mention names that was all ;)

3lt is alot of dead space, i equate it to pints and 6 is a fair percentage of the brew!