Dark chocolate stout

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Jul 1, 2012
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I was gonna make a dark chocolate stout but was usure of which way I was going to get the chocolate in to it, I was thinking about melting down some dark cooking chocolate and mixing it with the kit but I don't want to ruin it, will this method work or am I better using coco powder ???
often with cocoa powder too rpt, but brews can certainly be chocolatey enough with just chocolate malt. i like it in a decent quantity in porter/ruby ales.

hop filter is essential when using cocoa! trust me from experience.
I used melted cooking chocolate, that stuff that's blacker than black, and treacle and it was just far to bitter and overpowering, I managed to hold it together for long enough to finish the 30 pints but it wasn't easy lol, but you're right you live and you learn, maybe next time ill drastically reduce the amounts of both treacle and chocolate because I could tell it really wanted to be a good beer but it just couldn't do it so maybe just a hint of flavours would be more suited to it, I've had a treacle stout in the cupboard for a couple of months now but I'm gonna leave it till the winter this year so hopefully it can reach its full potential
I'm sure i read somewhere on here that chocolate malt only imparts a chocolate color on the brew? I just ordered a bag of chocolate nibs online and gonna add them to a wilko stout kit. See how it turns out. Cant be to bad :)
brizleciderarmy said:
I'm sure i read somewhere on here that chocolate malt only imparts a chocolate color on the brew? I just ordered a bag of chocolate nibs online and gonna add them to a wilko stout kit. See how it turns out. Cant be to bad :)
Soak the nibs in vodka first, then add the lot to the kit while its fermenting :thumb:
Aleman said:
brizleciderarmy said:
I'm sure i read somewhere on here that chocolate malt only imparts a chocolate color on the brew? I just ordered a bag of chocolate nibs online and gonna add them to a wilko stout kit. See how it turns out. Cant be to bad :)
Soak the nibs in vodka first, then add the lot to the kit while its fermenting :thumb:

better in secondary or just before bottling.