yeah will prob need a 4-5% range- saying that i darkened up a 8% tripple kit that was lovely once primed up-took forever to ferment
i personally dont like alot of cascade so i would:
use caylpso in a modest amount along with about 20g of the aroma hops-goldings/willamete (at first wort- fav thing ever) to get the body of the bittering and aroma from wilamete-leave for the 55-60 mins boil then bung in some hops at flameout maybe as much 20g (im a styrian golding fan) leave for a min or two- cool (now reserve 500-600 ml wort and freeze up (see later)- ferment (with styrian if u fancy-some debate as to wether get lost in ferment) then crash cool, secondary, add more hops(if not added at ferment) then at bottling/kegging make up a hop tea with 20g styrian (or whatever aroma hop are looking for) with the reserved wort ( get wort up to boil-plus any priming sugar- then left till 80-70 degrees c) then add hops leave 20-40mins covered then strain (if not put hops in muslin bag before adding) into the bottling bucket/keg
summery first wort hops, late hops, dry hop, hop tea-if u cant get a hoppy beer like this something if very wrong-adding gypsum can also help with hops apparently also the hops used for dry hop and maybe hop tea should be reusable for bittering...