Damson Wine

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New Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Hi Everyone,

I have a load of damsons coming my way and I want to make a 23L batch. Has anyone got any recipes, including sugar and yeast quantities, please. Cheers
Plums usually 3-4lb per gallon, so you'd be looking at 15-20lb of damsons.

Halve (and destone them, freeze them, defrost them) put them in a bucket with cold water and pectolase and 1 crushed campden tablet per gallon of intended wine (5 in your case). Cover and leave over night.

Next day (or day after that) SCRUB your hands thoroughly with a nail brush and preferably antibacterial liquid soap. Then get stuck in, put your hands in and squish everything thoroughly through your fingers.

Pitch your yeast and leave for a matter of days. I'm not normally too precise about how long, because it depends on when I've got a free day. But 5 days is about normal, I think.

Strain through muslin/straining bag into a DJ or other fermenting vessel and add sugar*.

Ferment to dry, back sweeten to taste.
* "How much sugar?" I hear you ask.

Well damsons are 9% sugar usually (Source) so in 3.5lb (1589g) of damsons, you've got:

1589*0.09 = 143g of sugar.

Don't expect to get all of that sugar out. As per Moley's recommendation, I assume 90% of it is extracted:

143*0.9= 129g of sugar

Usually I'm looking to get about 1100g of sugar per gallon.

So if you add 1KG per gallon (5KG in your case) you'll end up with 1129 of sugar per gallon, or an OG of 1093 (Source)

Feel free to substitute supermarket grape juice for the water when topping up in the DJ, but remember to look for how much sugar is in 1L of it and take that away from the sugar you're adding.
Cheers hypnoticmonkey.

Really useful info. I'll get cracking at the weekend.

thanks again.

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