Cumbrian brewery disappointed at “aggressive” beer ruling

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O'Neil do a 'psycho' range of wetsuits. Been around years. Should they change in case it promotes aggressive behaviour?
What utter bollocks, produced by people with too much time on their hands.

Don't like the name? Don't buy it. Walk on. There are far more important things in life to be offended by. The Portman Group could be doing something useful with their funding, instead they choose this...[\rant]

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Brilliant marketing, give your beer a contentious name, give the authorities no choice but to ban the name. All of a sudden thousands of potential customers have heard of, who were they? Oh yeah, Eden Brewery.
They probably complained themselves just in case their plan went down the pan. :wink:
Are these guys the reason Eden Mill in St. Andrews had to change their name (they were originally Eden Brewery)?
It worked out pretty well for brewdog following their various spats with the Portman group.
... Don't like the name? Don't buy it. ...
Misses the point. It's not what the beer will do to me, its what it does for any psycho, or more likely wanna-be-psycho, who's drinking it and jumping up and down on my car roof for a laugh.
I really hope they name a beer called Mary Poppins. I really fancy floating around the chimney tops with a brolly. ..cor blimey guvnor! I think the psychos would be jumping on your car roof if they were pissed on babycham ...but they'd leave some nasty hoof marks!
NASA spending billions on a manned mission to Mars.....haven't there think tank seen those chocolate bars....?


+ you don't know the reference, they may have been referring to the game boarderlands etc

I agree the name was probably not the best choice but there are others out there that are worse, i also think it stinks one complaint and a ruling by a bunch of old farts means he is going to have to change it.

“The Psycho branding was chosen to represent how the range could expand your horizons and change your perceptions about how exciting and tasty beer can be. This is a high quality, premium product aimed at true beer fans, not people who are looking to get drunk and engage in aggressive behaviour.
I have no clue why the name of a product matters, it's marketing. Another hobby is growing hot peppers, any idea hot succes are being named?

*sips on a nice glass of delirium tremens*

canda had a hissy fit about that name if I recall ;-)

when I was in Aachen, Germany in an upmarket store they had spitfire and lancaster bomber on sale in their premium beer section...

Clearly the Germans have a sense of humour, not because of the naming of the beer but that they were considered premium!

plus Brewdog's run-ins with the portman group seemed not to have bothered them.
Bishops Finger...... nuff said
I'd like to think Shepherds Neame's explanation of this is more accurate (a sign post to Canterbury). And that "popular" (mis-) interpretations are the one's at fault. Various such interpretations do go back a few years, but more recent ones are excessively graphical.

I spring to the name's defence because I've been put down a few times for using the phrase "cock up". And you can't feel "gay" these days without creating s******s. Or come over all "queer". The tragedy of innuendos is they can become the definition of a word or phrase.

(EDIT: And on this forum you can't make a sneering giggle either!).
I'd like to think Shepherds Neame's explanation of this is more accurate (a sign post to Canterbury). And that "popular" (mis-) interpretations are the one's at fault. Various such interpretations do go back a few years, but more recent ones are excessively graphical.

I spring to the name's defence because I've been put down a few times for using the phrase "cock up". And you can't feel "gay" these days without creating s******s. Or come over all "queer". The tragedy of innuendos is they can become the definition of a word or phrase.

(EDIT: And on this forum you can't make a sneering giggle either!).

Perhaps not "nuff said" then. My point being how can the word "psycho" be an issue but Bishops Finger not? Odd world we live in.
Also I would like to add I have received many Bishops Fingers, had a Bishops Finger in my mouth many a time. Up to 4 Bishops fingers on some occasions.

Can I s****** now??

Too late