Cumberland Brandy recipe

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Sep 6, 2011
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Clayton lee Moors
I started this today. just to point out this is not my recipe. it was given to me by 'the happy hop' LHBS in burnley market and i changed it alittle and im typing off memory as a guide for anyone who would like to give it a go. i know its technically a fruit wine but who cares. im sure people will pick at it but im a novice and im only trying to help. any questions ill try and answer but im sure others will help too.

2lb crushed malt
2lb chopped raisins
2lb brown sugar
1 orange
high alcohol yeast
1 tspn glycerine

all equipment should be sterile before use.

wash and boil the malt for 15-20mins until soft. put chopped raisins and sugar in the FV, add the malt and liquid to the FV and mix till the sugar is disolved. top up with water (bottled or boiled the cooled) up to 1 gallon add the juice of the orange and a few small piece of the orange peal but not the pith. once it has cooled add the yeast (best to get it started in a little dish wish some warm water and nutrient and leave for 20mins before adding to FV)


After it has been in the FV for a week, strain through a muslin bag into a DJ. Once the hydrometer reads around 1.010. add another 1/2lb of brown sugar (best to do this by draining out some of the wine and mixing the sugar in then adding back to the DJ). leave another week. Again once the hydrometer reads around 1.010 add 1/4 lb of brown sugar the same way as last time. keep repeating this process in smaller and smaller amounts of brown sugar until it no longer ferments anymore.

once your at this stage it is probably best to rack it off to another DJ leave a few days and rack again at this point i will be adding a CT and some potassium sorbate. maybe even some finnings depending on clarity then bottling, not forgetting to add a CT in each bottle.

There is also mention on a way of using the raisin and malt mixture again, im sure you experienced people will know how. i will find out what it is and add it on here.

Hope this is usefull to some one :cheers:
well its been goin a week and ive used a muslin bag and strained it into a DJ. Its a nice orange colour with a nice aroma ive added 150g brown sugar in the DJ with it. ive put another 500g crushed malt in the FV and topped it back up with water and 1kg of brown sugar to get another batch going. gota be honest i dont really have a clue what im doing. lets see what happens :?
Well after adding brown sugar in small amounts I finally thought enough was enough and put in some potassium sorbate in there. After a day I dropped some finings in there ( is/was this a good idea, should it have been left as it was? I have no idea) it has done almost nothing. It's been in there for 72hrs in a cold place thought this would have worked.

Help please
Can't think of the make think it might be youngs not certain, but they are wine and beer finings in 2 bottles A and B. I used a cap full of each. There is a small amount of sediment in the new DJ I had racked them into first
Well after leaving under the loft for a few months they have shed a good sediment and are crystal clear. Just bottled them the other day and They are tasting great. Given a few bottles out and have had some great feedback from them. Will defo be making this again.
Well done. I find that the 2 part Youngs finings work best at room temperature rather than move to a cool place. But the wine does need to be degassed first.

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