Cranberry Wine

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Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
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East Yorkshire
Cranberry Wine

This is a new wine to me and one I got partly from opening the cupboard door and seeing what was available and partly from the well known and admired WOW!

I was going to make a new batch of WOW but didn’t have any Orange Juice left; however, there was a carton of Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic. Wondered whether this would be okay but ingredients are: Water, Cranberry Juice from Concentrate (25%), Glucose-Fructose Syrup, Sugar, Vitamin C; so thought – why not give it a go?

After sterilising all my equipment I got everything together:

Cranberry Wine
1ltr White Grape Juice
1ltr Ocean Spray Cranberry Classic
650g Golden Caster Sugar
150g Sugar
1cup Strong Tea (2 bags)
1tsp Youngs Wine Yeast
1tsp Youngs Yeast Nutrient
1tsp Pectolase
1tsp Glycerin

I don't how the Golden Caster Sugar will work, but it's what was in the cupboard and there's too much snow outside to go shopping!

If my calculations are correct after following a previous posting for WOW by Moley then:

There was 160g of sugar in my grape juice, 116g in the cranberry juice and I added 800g.

800 + 160 + 116 = 1150g and I’m making 5 litres.
1076 / 5 = 230g per litre.
My hydrometer tables tell me that 215g/l = 1.080


After weighing the sugars out into the pan I added 1ltr of water and brought to the boil to dissolve.


That was then left to cool. I then got my sterilised demijohn and started to empty the juices in. First the grape


Then the cranberry


Added a cup of strong tea (for the tannin)


Then the sugar syrup mix. follow by the pectolase, a good shake, yeast nutrient and yeast, and glycerin...oh, and another shake.

Sterilsed bung and air lock on then under the stairs for 3 to 4 days before I top up with cooled boiled water.


UPDATE:: 1st December

I've just topped up with cooled boiled water and some extra sugar (220g) as when I worked out the potential ABV I wasn't happy. I now have this to be around 1102. :D

Was a little bit worried about this mid-week as it didn't seem to be moving at all; however, after about 4 days there were signs of life and now it is fermenting away quite merrily :thumb:

Hoping to have it bottled for Christmas :D
Ive only made TC twice this second time i left out the tea just used cranberry juice from asda they do a polish version for £2 but its a 2 litre carton just poured it in to dj added 6oz sugar then the cider yeast. Leaving the tea out means it should be drinkable in a couple of weeks hopefully :cheers:
I`ve made loads off cranberry wine - but used 1L red grape juice and 1L cranberry - makes a superb rose colour wine. Along with WOW this gets made the most :thumb:

Good luck with the brew :thumb:

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