Craft beer news from Italy: Birradio podcast

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New Member
Nov 21, 2012
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Hi everyone, Birradio in english is back! :-)

In this podcast, we talk about the huge craft beer event held in February in Rimini, with the National Craft Beer contest called "Birra dell'Anno" organized by Unionbirrai. We spoke with judge-i...n-chief, Flavio Boero, and with two international judges, Theo Flissebaalje, and Jos Brouwer.

Birradio also talked about the Italian Craft Beer Week, an idea by Andrea Turco, from beer blog "Cronache di Birra".
In February, Mo.Bi - MoBi Movimento Birrario Italiano has published the italian version of "Tasting Beer" from Randy Mosher. Mobi officer, Marco Piraccini told us all about it.

Enjoy! at: Birradio -dot - it :-)
Tony Manzi
Thanks Tony.
I really enjoyed the first one so will definitely give this a listen.
clarkent_it said:
Thanks Anthony! :cheers: Help me spread the word... :grin:
You will be better off posting in the "General Beer Brewing Discussions" forum rather thant the Introduction forum. Maybe one of the mods can move this for you :?: :thumb:

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