corny cleaning views

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Active Member
May 14, 2010
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i have re-read tubby shaw's excellent 'how to' on cleaning cornies. i have a feeling my own cleaning methods aren't working as well as they should.

one thing in tubby's piece that caught my eye was that he used hot water for some of the processes. when picking up my first cornies from norman the corny king, i seem to recall he advised not to use hot water for cleaning as it damaged the sealing rings.

has anyone any views on this?

i have been using good old dairy hypoclorite but i read in tubby's post that prolonged use can damage stainless steel so maybe it's time for change. having said that hypo is vey cheap and i'm a bit of a skin flint at heart. however i don't want to 'spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tar'.

I Use antiformin S - which is a hypochlorite based cleanser sanitiser designed for brewery use on stainless steel. There is a lot of stuff on the web on brewing forums about not using chlorine products on stainless as it causes pitting . . . without really understanding that it is Chloride that is the big danger. . . Oddly enough many bleaches are thickened with sodium chloride . . . just the thing that will cause pitting :roll:

As long as you use the right concentration for the right time and rinse well it is no issue.

I'm now boil sanitising my clean cornelii using a modified immersion element (Don't do this at home) and so far I have had no repeats of the lactobacilus infection I had earlier last year.

I've replace most of my seals with silicone ones however . . .I'll post the Altec part numbers if anyone is interested.
The thing to remember regards any advice for SS and chlorines/chlorides is that it's prolonged contact which causes pitting. If you store your corny for days/weeks with a chlorine/chloride based sanitiser inside it, you are asking for trouble...but then again why would you :hmm:
For short term use (read less than a day) you won't have any issues, as Aleman says :thumb:
Aleman said:
I've replace most of my seals with silicone ones however . . .I'll post the Altec part numbers if anyone is interested.

Yes please Tony
thank you all for your comments.

thinking back to my pig farming days i recall we were advised to rotate disenfectants to help to keep ontop of troublesome bacteria in the farrowing (birthing) house which caused diarrhoea in suckling piglets. perhaps this would be beneficial in brewing hygiene too as it could reduce the build up of tolerance to one specific chemical.

(a)leman please post me the part nos too.
