cornie kegs

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happy jack

Active Member
Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all.
Been thinking of investing in a couple of cornie kegs, but have a few questions.

Would I need two regulators , one for each keg or can I buy a mixer to supply co2 to each cornie?

If I fill a cornie with beer, and carbonate the ale will the keg remain pressurised when disconnected from the gas cylinder?

Other than bleach, what products are availible for sanitising aluminum?

Thanks in advance for any info.
Hi you can buy a gas management board if you want that way you can have a number of kegs off one co2 bottle or you can guy a JG splitter to gas 2 kegs at the same pressure
you can prime the keg with sugar but will get sediment or you can force carb it with co2 then you can move it around without worrying about disturbing the sediment
As 31BB3 says, a gas management board will allow to to have multiple kegs connected (how many depends on the individual board), all at different pressures. With a simple 1 way regulator you can split the gas out line to have more than 1 keg connected but all at the same pressure
Yes, it will hold pressure when not connected to the gas
They're stainless steel not aluminium, I use starsan on mine
Thanks for the replies,
I have two budget kegs and lots and lots of bottles. The bottle
washing is becoming a chore! Also I want an upgrade and the cornies
seem just the job. A little more expense and effort at first
but I guess the best way to keep beer?
Thanks for the starsan suggestion.

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