Coopers toffeeish stout

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Jun 29, 2011
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Hi all

As I am trying to make the switch from kits to extract/all grain, I am trying to use up all the kits I have collected this past year.

So in an attempt to capture a smoky, bourbon, toffee flavour here is my plan:

1 can of coopers stout.
500 grams of dark spray malt.
A jar of honey heated in a pan similar to robs toffee cider recipe.
200g of brewing sugar.
Might splash out on some Wyeast Irish ale yeast.

50g of bourbon soaked medium toast oak chips for secondary

Toying with the idea of throwing in some steeped grains as I really like malty beers.

If you want more toffee than that, bung a load of crystal in steeped in 66c water for 20 mins. there's a fair whack of sugar going in there so it'll be quite dry.

sounds good though! hope it goes well :thumb: