Coopers mexican cerveza

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Jul 30, 2010
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could any one advise wether i need to add any sugar to the malt and yeast in the fermenting bin. and if so how much.

also once fermented does it have to be put in bottles or will it be ok in a pressure barrel.
Hi the Antz and welcome to the forum.

With the Cerveza the usual amount to add is 1kg (2.2 Ib) of granulated sugar. I wouldn't bother making it any stronger as its good as it is.

Personally when finished I would bottle it.

Cheers Neil
I've just bottled this kit, I used 1KG of sugar and got a lager yeast to use rather than the ale yeast that comes in the pack. SG was 1040 and FG was 1002 a nice 5%. tasted rather good when I was bottling it. It's going away for a few months now before I try it (if I can resist)
I recently made this kit up
I used 1Kg of brewing sugar, used the yeast that came with the kit.
bottled it in Grolsch bottles
everything was just fine. nicely chilled, tasted fantastic! :)

The Cooper's yeasts are pretty good, I believe the one with this kit is a lager yeast and not an ale yeast as suggested above.
According to the instructions in the coopers kit, only the Coopers European Lager kit is supplied with lager yeast, the others are supplied with ale yeast and they recommend fermenting at a higher temperature than lager yeast. But, yes, the coopers yeast is pretty good.

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