Coopers Mexican Cerveza - Getting Darker

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Hi Guys,

It's been 10 days in the primary FV and over the last few days, i've noticed that it's changed colour from the typical Corona colour to a darker colour. It's been at a constant 21.5 the whole time and i've been careful not to agitate it when taking G readings. I've also kept the collar on the whole time and never opened the top lid.

Any ideas why the change of colour, could something be wrong or will it likely return to the lighter colour?


My Coopers Australian Lager looked dark to begin with, the went lighter, then had a tint of red. I assume the original darkness was due to using munton beer enhancer which was the same colour (and pressumably a similar make up) as coopers brew enhancer 2.

I bottled at 14 days, and it seems to be a normal lager colour now (1 week later). Have you taken a sample? If so, does it look lighter than in the FV? Mine did.
That sounds a lot like mine, it was darker when i first got it going. It is lighter when i take the reading and does taste like a flat corona so hopefully it's okay. It started at 1042 and been on 1010 for the last few days so i don't expect it to go any lower.
Pretty much identical to you i think. Muntons light spray malt, coopers mexican cerveza and 1kg cooper number 2 brew enhancer. What OG/FG readings did you have? I was going to put 2 coopers drops in the bottles, i definitely don't want it to have fizz....
I had 1.043 and 1.009 I think. I wanted my lager fizzy so I primed with 1 teaspoon of sugar in some and 2 carb drops in others just as an experiment. It's only been in the bottles a week so I don't know how it's going to turn out yet. I did use 1 carb drop in coopers real ale which has been in bottles about 3 weeks and was just the right amount of fizz for ale, but not enough for a lager imo. I would go for 2 carb drops myself, especially if the bottles are more than 500ml