Coopers Lager

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Jun 17, 2011
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Hi great people.

I Brewed a coopers Lager exactly to kit instruction, the beer was brewed 14th June and bottled on 21st June after 2 days consecutive Hydro readings.

Question is how long should I bottle condition for? its now the 4th July, so has been at 22 degrees for 13 days.
As this is a Lager kit but brewed with the usual Coopers Ale yeast, should I condition longer or get thewhole batch into a fridge and leave it for a couple more weeks?

Answers on a postcard please....

ok just on this forum would be really good.

Thanks again people.


Did you get the coopers home brewery kit? I did.. and its still working wonders for me in All grain! :cool:

the yeast in the Lager kit is actually and ale yeast so it wont need cold lager conditioning. I kept mine in a cupboard at about 20C for 2 weeks then I had to try one and it was pretty good. If your first one tastes ANYTHING like green apple or grassy then leave the rest for at least a month before trying. I wasted about 20 bottles by trying one every 2 days and was very disappointed to find no change. If you get a grassy flavour its because the yeast as not fully finished processing the sugars and different forms of alcohol are being made.

I think I only had this from this kit because I bottled too early, eventually the apple flavour totally went and a quite nice lager (ale) was produced, but by that point I only had about 8 bottles left after sampling every few days.

From what I have found kits+sugar should be left for at least a month. I usualy wait 3 ..:shock: .. but I have lots in storage thanks to a constant brewing process so I always have beer ready to drink... after a rather frustrating 2 months to begin with!


These are just the ones that are not ready.. the fridge is full..
Most of the kits are able to be drunk after a week... they will not be at peak conditino but they will be drinkable.. at leas a month is best longer is better

that is more or less it..

my best have been at least 3 months old before drinking and have been rather fab that is for sure!!
Cheers for that had 3 tonight and they were nice.

appreciate your comments
Any kits, regardless of what they say, should be 3 months. As another poster has stated, get a turn around going. You won't be constantly drinking "unready" beer.
You won't be constantly drinking "unready" beer.

It pretty tough for the first few brews not to stick your nose in :lol: But really you'll be amazed at the difference...

But then how will you know the difference.. if you don't :oops: try em?