Coopers Julebryg

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Jan 26, 2012
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Hey guys...

Seen this on the coopers site, and was considering putting one on for Christmas in about a months time... ... g/julebryg

Has anyone else made this recipe up before? How did it turn out? What did you use as the base beer? Was going to use the Coopers Original Dark Ale...

So, has anyone brewed it?

I've got a Coopers Original Dark Ale that I was gonna brew up as standard just using 500g medium or dark DME and 500g brewing sugar, and brewing to around 21l. Now, after seeing this, I think I'd like to give it a go, and will prolly do mid July time, and (try) to keep until Christmas...

Look forward to any responses, and if I don't get any, will update when I brewed it :p
I really like the idea, although I can see one problem. You will get 40 pints of the stuff, which is a lot for over Christmas. So you will need to have enough people to give it to as presents etc. Maybe im just an antisocial bugger :(
Kyral210 said:
I really like the idea, although I can see one problem. You will get 40 pints of the stuff, which is a lot for over Christmas. So you will need to have enough people to give it to as presents etc. Maybe im just an antisocial bugger :(

You have the whole winter time to drink it. I don't see any problem here. ;)
As Zgoda said, there's plenty of time to drink it. Can start in end of October/beginning of November, and will go all way through to January... Then, even having 2 other people over a couple of nights, it'll soon go. Also, in recipe, pretty sure it said to go up to 20l. So, that only gives 35 pints...

Think ill definitely give it a go. Just finds he a pain to be without 35 bottles for 6 months, lol
So, all kit for this bought ... But, a few questions...

Went to LHBS, and they didn't have the Coopers Amber Malt Extract. Only malt extract they did was the Edme extract:


Now, my first thought about this, was that it is a light extract, not amber, so had a quick read on the web about it... On the brewuk website, it states:

Also called Diastatic malt extract or DME. DMS is prepared by fully converting base malt, then draining the resulting mash, still including amylases, and evaporating it down to a high density. This products is for use in extract recipes and is not suitable for adding to kits as it needed to be boiled.

So, now I'm wondering whether it's suitable to use at all for this, or whether I should keep it for when I (hopefully soon) have a go at extract brewing, and order some amber extract online?! However, since I'm gonna be boiling the spices and hops anyway, would it be ok to just boil this extract with them? Or would that be a waste for this type of extract?

Secondly, the saaz hops I ordered were full leaf and not pellet. I assume that should not be a problem, but was wondering whether maybe I should throw in an extra 5g to the boil to try and get a bit more aa out etc?!

Hugely appreciate any thoughts and ideas about this...
Any thoughts on this extract, as was looking to do this at lunch time today. If not, will just do that kit as standard, and then get another one in and do in a few weeks I suppose. Just wanted to get it on asap, so was conditioning for xmas...

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