Coopers IPA - extra sugar?

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Apr 25, 2011
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I'm planning on doing the Coopers IPA kit this weekend. I'll be using extra light malt 500g and 300g sugar as instructed on the tin. The temptation is to fire a bit more sugar in there and ferment for longer to up the percentage.

Has anyone tried this?


Dont add more suagr. You will just have a higher chance of it not fermenting fully and your beer wont be as good. More alcohol doesnt mean more flavour.
Adding too much sugar leaves you with the risk of it tasting too thin and alcoholic.
You coud add a little more sugar ss most kits like this require a kg of sugar/spray malt. However, best wsy to increase abv is too add less water.
DirtyCaner said:
I'll be using extra light malt 500g and 300g sugar as instructed on the tin.

What? Theres instructions? :lol: Ive done this kit a couple of times in the past and i always just threw in a kilo of coopers enhancer and it turned out good. Only 1 of 3 kits i ever brewed twice. Very nice kit this. :thumb:
Cool, I'm looking forward to it already. You're one of many whos said its good. Once its all done n tidied I'm gonna try some of the brewferm Ambiorix I bottled the other month. :cheers:
Keep us posted on how it comes out and good luck brewing!! :thumb:

Nothing more devastating than a bad brew!

Hopefully you are a further one that can say how great the kit is!

I've done the kit and i'm not overly keen on it. It's ok, but nothing special. However, I think this may be down to user error. I'm quite a newbie to all this. I think i added a little too much sugar, and also i think the brew may have somehow got a little oxidised.

Never the less, it's fine, certainly drinkable, but i hope yours turns out better!
Ive done a Coopers IPA with beer enhancer and a St Peter's IPA which is double the price and to be honest they were both as good as each other. I went through the full 5 gallons on about a fortnight though, frighteningly easy to drink.
Well thats it in the fermenter now. Will give it a week n see whats happening. OG was 0.030 which according to my boots winemakers hydrometer should give an abv between 4 n 5. I think i probably need to invest in a better hydrometer tho....

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